Terms and conditions
The membership fee is 100 SEK per year, and is divided into periods of six months; half of the membership fee, i.e. 50 SEK, will be automatically drawn from your chosen payment method every six months until you cancel your membership. You can cancel your membership at any time by emailing us and asking for your membership to be cancelled. We do not make refunds on membership fees (unless there is a valid reason). Please note that you must have an active membership for the whole term if you take Kpop Academy classes.
Personal information
Personal information is stored in our membership register and is used to contact our members about the association's activities, and to apply for funding. The information is stored as long as you are a member, and as long as we are obliged to report for funding etc. After that, they are deleted. By accepting the terms and conditions, you agree that your personal information is processed in accordance with the GDPR law.
Kpop Academy
Registration is binding, and we do not make any refunds if you change your mind or are unable to participate. Exceptions are made in the event of serious illness/injury, with a medical certificate, or other serious situations that makes the student unable to participate.
Sickness/absence from class must be notified to the teacher (or emailed to us if teacher contact details are missing) before the lesson. Unannounced absence from three or more lessons will result in the student being suspended from the class for the rest of the term, without refund.
If the student is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian's permission is required to register. By providing the guardian's name, phone number and email address, and accepting the terms and conditions, you certify that you have permission to register.
Filming and photography for marketing purposes may occur during the term. This is of course optional to participate in, if you wish not to be photographed/filmed please talk to your teacher.